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Rare - Contemporary


The first Contemporary 'album' was the 1975 'Take it or Leave it' C60 Music Cassette, Followed by the 1976 'Skunk Alive' C90 Music Cassette. The band then collapsed and Stefan and Henri went on to form the Hard-Rock formation Feedback. In spring 1977 a formation of the two plus bassist Jan and drummer Wouter played an outdoor Concert in De Bilt (The Netherlands) and one Rene popped up at the Concert especially to watch the Band with a possible joining as a Singer in mind. The rest is history. Still, mid 1978 another Contemporary C60 was released called 'Rare' and as late as 1983 a second Posthumous C60 came out, titled 't gaat mis' These two cassettes were combined for the 2004 CD release 'Rare' The B-side of 't Gaat mis' contained Feedback material and as such was used in the 'Feedback' CD compilation from 2003 together with the original 'Feedback' C60. There was some confusion over these tracks and finally it was decided that all 'Stug' and 'Kartelschaar' -tracks with Jan and Wouter were considered Feedback material albeit written by Contemporary founder Otto. Just met Sonja was done live with Feedback once and twice with Contemporary. Although the 1977 version was with Jan and Wouter it was considered a Contemporary track. This version was played at the Concert Rene attended. It was also played at the Central Library Amsterdam (Skunk Alive 1976) and at Feedback Live in Amsterdam (1978). The latter recording ended up at the 'Feedback' CD compilation. Note that the 'Rare' CD compilation from 2004 differs from the 2007 compilation, with apparently no renewed compilation rights. The songs themselves seem under copyright control.

Schermafbeelding 2019-09-23 om 16.25.21.
Schermafbeelding 2019-09-23 om 16.29.19.
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'Something must change will be changed /On the day I will be cutting the strings/ It is my life what I want to be rearranged /The strings I keep are on my Guitar /Will that suffice when everything else is deranged'  -  No Strings Attached

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